21 Days – A Spiritual Pilgrimage
From Birth to Glory – Come See the King
Over 2000 years ago our Savior, the King lay wrapped in swaddling clothes.
You can meet Him TODAY clothed in the Light of His Glory.
There was no room at the inn for Him.
There is room AT THE CROSS for you.
Wise men journeyed from afar bringing gifts.
No matter what station you are in life, OFFER Him YOURSELF.
Shepherds abandoned their sheep to gaze on baby Jesus.
Leave your routine and BASK IN HIS PRESENCE.
We celebrate the timeless salvation He brought to humankind.
Come CELEBRATE the DELIVERANCE He still brings today.
This is the season we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior. We are forever grateful He came, lived and died for our sins. Jesus Christ as a babe was introduced to only a few people that night in Bethlehem. I invite you to “see” Him as He is today.
Over 21 days beginning January 2 in the New Year 2021, I will be on a sacred pilgrimage to see the King in his present glory. Come “see” Him as you have never seen Him before, High and Lifted Up with His Presence filling your temple.