21-Day Pilgrimage Devotion Days 16 – 18
Almost there! In the devotions over the next three days we are rounding the corner and we can see the finish line. We see the way home. You find in these devotions the home (secret place) you are creating with God is a place you can leave but it will never leave you. God takes pleasure in you, however exposed you may feel, He covers you with His love.
January 17
Day 16
Focus: The Way Home
Unfamiliar Territory
Have you ever been on a road trip and been away from home for a while? You long for the comfort of home, the familiar sounds and surroundings. Finally, that day comes when you get to go home. You may start out on unfamiliar roads and may need the help of a GPS. But there’s a point during the journey you begin to recognize familiar landmarks and your excitement builds because you know you are nearing home.
Personal Landmarks
Entering God’s presence for the first few times is a lot like the road trip home. You are eager to get there but at the start of the journey you are traversing unfamiliar roads. Unfamiliar territory could be things like unrestrained worship or prayer beyond basic rote prayers learned in Sunday School. You wrestle with the desire to give up and the negative head-talk until you finally settle into true worship. When you’re not familiar with worshipping God in the spirit, then you have to use a spiritual GPS as a guide. That GPS is the Holy Spirit and your willingness to let Him lead.