Hey! Have you watched the Food Network channel when a contestant in a cooking competition had to change the meal they had intended on preparing when the process kind of goes sideways and ruins their initial plan? It normally happens at a critical time in the competition when more time has elapsed on the clock than time left to cook. But they must change, they must pivot and do something entirely different within the timeframe that is left. Panic sets in.
Life’s Transitions
For the last six months I have had major transitions in my life. I have had to pivot. When one pivots, it is done quickly, on the spot, no time wasted. During the process of pivoting, you may drop some things you very well did not intend to, but your hands are full and they can hold no more. That is where I was. Life had caused me to pivot, make some changes which caused me to lay aside blogging, my labor of love. Attention was required in other areas; other areas that were not initially on my radar. I have pivoted to take on the new challenge of attending seminary full-time to obtain a Master of Divinity degree. One of the things they ask you during orientation, knowing the workload ahead, is ‘what things are you going to give up?’ I said to myself, “Nothing!” But I found out that I had to cut back on some activities, one of which was blogging. Ouch! I have been away from blogging for a while. It even crossed my mind, “Am I going to have to give it up for what is going on in my life now?” I held on because there is one thing that I do know God has given me, and that is the desire to speak his Word to those that would hear and receive it.
Reclaim What was Lost
So now it is Christmas break and I am pivoting again. This time to reach back and grab hold of what I dropped…blogging! I love sharing what the Lord reveals to me through his Word. And as I am enhancing my knowledge in a scholarly environment, I can share that much more! But I will ask that you be patient as my content may be diverse; it may be short sometimes and longer other times. The point is, I want you to walk this journey with me. Okay? I want to bring those whom I started with and those whom have joined along the way who have been faithful to click on the link in spite of the absence of new material. It is for the love of all people across the globe that I study, that I go to school to expand my understanding of the Scriptures.
Moving Forward
I trust you had a wonderful Holiday season so far. And as usual, the first of the new year, I and the RISE Bible Study group, will enter a time of fasting and deliberate prayer. I invite you to go along with us. I already have fasting guidelines posted so you can review those if needed. We will fast for 21 days beginning January 2 through January 22. Daily topic focused prayers will be at 6 am Eastern Standard Time (USA) beginning on the morning of January 2 and continuing each morning until January 22.
US Conference Call: 1(774) 220-4000, Pin 255225#
So, stay tuned. This is the start of something bigger, better, more dynamic than ever before. Hang in here with me. I will post a lesson real soon.
God Bless you!
Featured image credit to Tumisu from Pixabay.